Why ICT is important role to support young women in leadership?

ICT is in full meaning as information and communication technology that is new innovative technology within hardware and software, ICT is necessary tool that open widely to all the people can access to improve their productivities, quality, be better in communication even though they are staying in difference distance in around the world and labor cost are reduce. There are many advantages of using ICT as a tool for teaching and learning. The advantages such as ICT can be used at anytime, anywhere, access to remote learning resources and it help to prepare individual for the work place.

Even though ICT is the main acting role in the world also in Cambodia, gender divide and social stereotype was been influence that ICT skill belonging to male career.

Through discussion between Monyvann, one of young women’s leadership network and over 215 Women worker and resident in age from 15 to 65 years old at 5 villages in Sihanoulk vile and 7 sangkats in Phnom Penh while she participated in one project research on using mobile phone in Khmer language, majority of them told her that ICT skill can access only men, because of them are limitation of education, lost confident access and lost opportunity because of poverty.

According to research of Open Institute in 2010, 5843 students (from 2005 to 2009) were graduation in ICT, but only 12.4 % are women, 6.9% of women in using computers are least than 5 time of men in using computer (33.6%), in report in Khmer, the range from 70% to 26% of challenge of women in using ICT,

Lack of experience, women have to take more responsibility for their family than men, think that most parents support men more than women to go for higher education,  think that policies and policy implementation are also an obstacle, language is also a barrier, ICT infrastructure is limited, state that the Internet access price is expensive, think that the technology is too modern,  think that obstacles are caused by social norms and culture think that women are not encouraged by their superiors to participate in ICT, in other vision in report 87% of representatives of institutions and 92% of staff think that women can be empowered when they are able to use ICT.

Young Women’s Leadership Network (YWLN) organized feminist talk on “Basic of Women and ICT”, facilitated by Ms. Monyvann. Ms. Suy Channe, representative of Instedd in Cambodia, was invited to be guest speaker, the events was held at Khmer Youth Association on 30 August 2014 from 9:00-11:00 AM. The purpose of organizing is creating a space and encouragements to young women understand on basic of information communication technology tool. 14 young women and one man attended and question to guest speaker on her background.



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